Sunday, March 7, 2021

Tigress; Not a Bitch!

Happy International Women's Day.

And one day she discovered that she was fierce and strong, and full of fire and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears - Mark Anthony.

Today being International Women's Day, we are not blind to the fact that it is 2021, and she is still fighting. Women are not Bitches, might have been but that is no more! 

For years we have watched her being raised with specific mannerisms, under specific rules and orders of a patriarchal society. Like a bulldog, she has been taught that she has only got strength for small fights like keeping a marriage intact, keeping kids fed and clean, keeping your man happy and feeling dignified and respected. There might be nothing wrong with all that, if the woman so wishes, but that is not all there is to life and she needs to be given more than just domestic labels. Never has it been believed that she has the zest to conquer, all along she has been taught to bow.

Like I said, it is an era for change. It is high time society stopped labelling women and girls bitches. By so doing, you're simply imposing these limitations on her mind. You are simply telling her that she draws her strength from food prepared in the kitchens of controlled thinking. It will not help her at all for all she would be is an obedient, fragile and submissive woman who asks no questions. The food given to her in those kitchens of controlled thinking is not sustainable, it makes her tire fast and grow weary of her life. 

So I ask you, who then will give her the zeal to continue fighting for equality and equity? Where will she draw strength from so she can continue fighting against injustices carried out on those whose only misfortune is only being female?

But is she really a bitch? 

My understanding tells me, she never was a  bitch. Instead, she is a tigress who has been caged for far too long. So we are all wrong when we equate her strength to bullish stances. She has exponential strength which not only makes her fierce, it makes her a Woman and for that she will not bow to patriarchal injustices. So call her tigress, because not only can she fight, she possesses stealth in approach and not just for your mere dog and cat fights, she fights in the jungle and yes, bet on her to win because she will. 

Come to think of it, the early child marriages, always being second to men, being taught to please men always, being wife material, working twice as hard as men for the same recognition, labels that come with being successful and so so much more. I do not understand how anyone can ever call those small fights? But is she not a tigress, trying to fight all these wars?

Like the tigresses that she is,  she was born and raised in the midst of danger, a dangerous society which never believed in her. Taught to hunt from an early age, fending for herself, protecting a territory which today she would eventually contend for dominion. She is a tigress who has for so long been forced to bark, but now that she got her self freed, she roars! 

So she bids goodbye to the false niceties served on tables of patriarchy. She now feeds herself from the spoils of experience and past injustices. After all, her hunting days have taught her that her strength, her tears and her battles are enough for her sustainability as long as she chooses to fight. 

Undefined. Uncharted. Uncontrolled. She is a tigress, no longer controlled by the tigers, she works with them for a safe environment for women and girls.

So why then shall we fight her chances at equality?


Till next time


P.S: ( Bitch in here is used in relation to female dogs, not negative labelling).



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